New model for Sustainable Development

The soul of India lives in its villages. About sixty percent of Indian population still lives in rural area depends on agriculture and the rural population has been facing series of problems which affect their progress and quality of life. Most significant among these problems are lack of gainful employment leading to food insecurity, migration to urban areas, illiteracy, poor infrastructural housing and poor health. The social entrepreneurship, road connectivity from various towns and cities, favourable climate conditions and the drinking water sources leads to alternate livelihood opportunities for rural poor.

The availability of quality air, water, food and shelter are also the foundations of human settlement for sustainable development. India has not utilized the full potential opportunities of the decentralized agricultural based eco-friendly rural village settlement pattern for effective sustainable development. The decentralized village cluster pattern of settlement is a form of cost effective planned residential development with the existing rural settlements. The cluster development area should be supported by the industrial (Agro based industries and other industries), service sector (agriculture and other commodity trading, banking, health, education, infrastructure) opportunities for sustainable development perspectives. The Hub and spoke model of decentralized village cluster based settlement is a needy strategy to up coup the population pressure and conserve the natural resources for sustainable development. The Hub and spoke model of the decentralized village cluster based settlement is also a solution to improve the standard of living and controls the rural migration. The monetary and policy support by the government schemes for affordable housing facilities, public health, road connectivity, drainage and solid waste management and provision of quality drinking water is needed for enabling social development.
The social entrepreneurship based development is the solution to develop the rural cluster based village settlement. It also supported by the village natural capital of farm lands, water sources, flora and fauna, etc to help and sustain the agricultural economy. The road connection from various towns and cities from all over the state and country also very important for sustainable development of the rural cluster.

HSP aims to develop a cluster of smart villages with fourteen suggested components of continuous piped water supply, agro processing, agri services, storage and warehouses, sanitation, solid and liquid water supply, management, health care connectivity, skill development, public transport, LPG connection and full digital connection.

In India, sustainable development of the villages is possible through the rural cluster based village settlement pattern of development only. Hence the coherent efforts of Union Government, Sate Government organizations, policy makers, stake holders in agriculture and volunteer participation of public is utmost important to promote the rural cluster based developments.

Proven and trusted.

HSP has experience and better understanding how to create an ecosystem for self-reliant development based on to promote the rural cluster based developments.

Tailored to you.

HSP's  experienced team will work with you to understand your needs and identify the solutions  to promote the rural cluster based developments.

For Further Information

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