It’s our unshakeable belief that India will never achieve its true growth story until the rural sector of the country is empowered to make choices and transform their own lives. With this thought, we have taken initiative to bring change in the society and sustainable development. In 2022, HSP metamorphosed into the HSP Foundation with a mission to empower rural lives through a unique 360-degree development model which covers four key thematic areas namely Health & Nutrition, Education, Water & Sanitation and Economic Development. Our aim is to ensure that this model can be replicated at scale across India and perhaps even the world.

All our believers share the common goal of empowering rural India. Our joint efforts have led to significant transformation where it’s most needed and that’s what keeps us going. Together, we strive to make the world a better place.

Partnering us gives you a unique opportunity to engage in a holistic transformation of rural India. With our interventions spread across Health & Nutrition, Education, Water & Sanitation and Economic Development, you are sure to find synergy. Believe in us and our goal to transform rural lives!

For Further Information

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